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Heinz | | Get a Digest of Messages SaneBox Moved from Your Inbox From Albania, purportedly, they have not only fake beards but names. Because an earlier number was cut from the opera before its première, the Albanians in Mozart's Così fan tutte — truly Guilelmo and Ferrando in exotic-looking disguise — have their names mentioned exactly once, in the finale. If you want to have all the messages helpfully removed from your email inbox by SaneBox mentioned at least once in that inbox, you can get a digest detailing them: You need not check your "@SaneLater" and other SaneBox folders continuously for fear of missing an important email. Schedule a digest of moved messages (arriving hourly to weekly) instead and check your inbox for it. | How to Go to an Email List's Last Page Fast in Gmail A Russian in Paris, in the 1890s, did what thousands had done before and millions would do after him: look up an iron tower. His thoughts doing so differed from, I'd wager, those of most other lookers-up. For now, though, let's concentrate on that tower and, more specifically, its elevators and, in particular, their speed: today, a ride up Eiffel Tower (in two separate elevators covering three sections) will take you some 2¾ minutes. That's some 4 miles per hour or 6 and a half km by hour. Let's see if Gmail can beat that taking you from the first page to the last for a label and your inbox: Go from the oldest message to newer ones in Gmail by switching to the last page of a label fast. | Connect IncrediMail to Facebook for Updates and Sharing | From the Archives: Free Filter for Junkes, Old Ropes, Spam Old and brittle ropes, since the 14th century, have been known as "junkes" to sailors. Over the centennia, more and more stuff on ships that had become useless was called "junke" or "junk". Finally, everything useless (old or new) became "junk" some 100 years ago. Now for something new and useless that, thanks to great spam filters such as SpamBayes, is becoming old quickly — and you don't ever have to see it: ›› SpamBayes employs sophisticated analysis using Bayesian statistics to rid your email Inbox of junk mail precisely and in an effortless manner. (Windows) | | | | Related Searches | | | | Featured Articles | | | | | | Sign up for more free newsletters on your favorite topics | | | | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the About.com Email newsletter. If you wish to change your email address or unsubscribe, please click here. About.com respects your privacy: Our Privacy Policy Contact Information: 1500 Broadway, 6th Floor New York, NY, 10036 © 2013 About.com | | | | Must Reads | | | Follow me on: | | | | Advertisement | |
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